Get your derriere out of the air!

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Yes, that is my rear and yes, I’m hanging helplessly out of a tree. What you can’t see is that the ground is quite far from where I’m dangling. You also can’t see that I have just had a glass of champagne in celebration of my one year anniversary. You also cannot see that I’m laughing so hard I’m almost peeing my pants.

I should not climb trees for many reasons, not the least of which is that no one should drink & climb. But there are two main reasons I should not climb trees:

1. I’m afraid of heights. I hate looking down from above. I can’t but help imagine my fate should I fall. In fact, years ago, I gave my mom specific instructions, like a verbal advance directive, as to what I want done should I ever fall from a high place an become paralyzed. (Yes, I realize this is really neurotic.) I think a lot of this has to do with the fact that I like my feet on the ground, where I have control, where I’m in charge of my destiny, where I can call the shots and designate my path.

2. I’m not a tree climber. When I was of the age that it was appropriate to climb trees and scrape knees, I was in the safety of my house playing dolls. In fact, I think this is the only tree I’ve ever climbed. So to have a glass of champagne and climb your first tree at the ripe age of 33 (2 years ago) is probably not wise. You may get stuck. See above photo…

I’m sure you’re dying to know how I faired after the photo was taken. After collecting myself (and not peeing my pants), I was able to somehow hoist myself the rest of the way up on to the branch, with my husband pulling me by the belt loop. It was quite a scene. And then I was scared to come down. But, when you climb a tree, you must come down, plant your feet on the ground and continue on your path where you choose your own destiny and control your own life once again.

Why am I telling you all this the day after Labor Day, as we close the door on summer and begin to usher in the fall? Perhaps you “climbed a tree” this summer. Maybe you let your life get off it’s normal course. Perhaps, you kicked your feet off the ground and you’re now returning to the ground, to a place of control. That may mean you’re recommitting to a workout program and/or a nutrition program. It may mean you’re cleaning out your cupboards, throwing away the junk and starting fresh. I hope you’ve taken some time to think about your path this fall.

It feels really good to get your feet back on the ground and take charge of your decisions. It is comforting to find your path/routine and recommit to finding success on that path. It is exciting to look down your path and see that by Thanksgiving you can accomplish so many things – running a 5K, getting 10 push ups on your toes, doing an unassisted pull up, giving up sugar, eating more greens, losing 10 pounds, dropping a dress size or two.

Over the weekend, my husband and I spent some time with friends who are suffering a tremendous loss and it really struck me that when you’re up in that tree dangling with little control it can feel really overwhelming. It is incredibly comforting and empowering to make a conscious choice to find your way back to the ground, dig your heels in and fight for what you want and what you deserve. It is only in returning to the ground and recognizing what you can control and what you cannot control that you will be able to define exactly what you want and exact steps to find your way down your path.

So, whatever you want for yourself and your family this fall, I hope you decide today to come down off the tree of summer, commit to your goals and charge ahead like no one’s business.

To help you out, I have extended our Labor Day Sale for one last day. Our 6 Week Weight Loss program will remain on sale through until midnight tonight, should you want to use that as a means of achieving your goal.

For those of you who have completed that program and would like some nutrition support this fall, The Diet Solution Program is the only other nutrition program I endorse. I think it is an amazing program that perfectly compliments everything we believe at Fit Healthy Moms.

If this article motivated you to commit to planting your feet on the ground and committing to an amazing fall be sure to “Like” it and share it with others!



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