Healthy Travel Tips for Moms

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Most of you know I was in NY last weekend for a conference. I was so excited for this trip, as I got to stay in Times Square. I was right in the middle of one of the most busy, bustling, frantic, CRAZY places in the whole world.

Honestly, when the cab first dropped me off at The Crowne Plaza Times Square on Thursday afternoon, it was a bit much. I was desperate to get to my room, unpack and get a meal. Not having had a full meal in 9 hours, I was getting a bit cranky. Luckily, I got up extra early to eat breakfast, as I knew meals would be spotty throughout the day.

Travel Tip #1: Eat a healthy, nutritious, high protein meal before going to the airport. Make sure the whole family does. This will prevent meltdowns from everyone, especially you!

Like I said, I went without a “meal” for over 9 hours. I would not have survived without my power breakfast before leaving the house (sliced strawberries and TJ’s almond flaxseed butter on brown rice cakes).

I was worried about food on the plane. On short flights, I’m good with a bit of trail mix, that I can pack easily. But 9 hours of travel without a full meal is rough for me.

Travel Tip #2: Pack your own snacks & meals. There is NO predictability when it comes to food and planes anymore. Be sure to always have something packed for you and the kids, should you be stuck for hours without options. In this 5 hour flight, I was offered peanuts twice. That’s it. Luckily I packed all this:

On the plane I had a Zing Bar, some dried mango and some of my homemade trail mix (almonds, pecans, pistachios, dark chocolate chips.)

Travel Tip #3: Drink water every time it’s offered.

In my super mad dash through the airport and security line (where I was held up at every possible stop), I lost my chance to get water. I literally ran from security straight onto the plane and into my seat. I had given myself plenty of time, but things happen at the airport and sometimes you don’t even have time to grab water. So, I drank water every time the flight attendants came through with it.

After arriving at my hotel, unpacking, and ordering a great Asian chicken salad from room service, I returned to the streets to go to a show where a friend was performing. I took a moment to take in the street corner where my hotel was located.

Here’s the corner immediately to my right, about 10 steps from my hotel doors:

Here’s the street corner, kitty corner from my hotel doors:

And here’s the crosswalk connecting these two corners:

Pretty hilarious, huh?! It was like the sugar lords had taken over the world and there was no escape. So, I walked into the Hershey store, just to take a peek.

I was shocked – it STUNK! I’m not sure if it was the poor quality of the chocolate (sorry folks, Hershey’s is not the high quality stuff) or they had sprayed the store with some fake chocolate scent, but it was gross. I was immediately grateful that I had packed my organic dark chocolate bar in my suitcase.

Travel Tip #4: Always pack healthy treats, so you’re not tempted to buy trashy treats in moments of weakness.

It was easy for me to walk out of the Hershey store without buying anything when I knew I had something much better tasting and much better for me up in my room. I didn’t even go in the M&M’s store because I was so turned off by the Hershey store. I did stop to hug Cookie Monster, though. No calories or high fructose corn syrup in that!

The rest of the trip I faced buffets and dessert trays over and over. I ate well at all meals, always loading up on greens and protein at every chance, so I would be less tempted by other, less healthy options. I wasn’t perfect. I had two small chocolate chips cookies on Saturday afternoon. I mean, I’m not all work and no play…. Oh, and did I mention there was free wine on Saturday night? Yup, had some of that too. I belong to a very special religion where we are morally obligated to take free wine whenever possible.

Travel Tip #5: Take advantage of all free wine. You’ll be a better wife, mother, person for it.

All in all, it was a great trip with just a few indulgences, similar to the ones I would have had at home – except the wine at home is never free. I need to find more free wine at home.

See my question below -let me know your weakness!!



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