How to Say YES to Sweat

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Where’s your drive? How do you summon it every time you workout? I can tell you right now that in spite of being a trainer, there are are plenty of days I do NOT feel like breaking a sweat. But I make myself do it because I am a better person for each and every workout I endure.

When it comes to exercise, you cannot deny the feeling of getting it done, crossing it off your list and getting on with your day. For most of you your focus is baby weight loss (yes, even if your “baby” is 5 years old…) Weight loss for moms is hardcore. You have moments a day to sweat, so you have to really be committed to making it happen, as it could just as easily not happen, right??

So, the next time you’re having that inner debate – you know, the one where you negotiate with yourself over and over, “Yup, gonna do it right now…” immediately followed by, “Maybe I should empty the dishwasher, throw in a load of laundry and vacuum first…” – I want you to FIND YOUR DRIVE. What makes the sweat worth it to you? Is it looking in the mirror at a diminishing baby belly/waistline? Is it knowing that every workout gets you a little closer to your pre-pregnancy clothes and weight? Is it feeling like a badass as you rock out push ups?

When I find myself negotiating, here’s where I find my drive:

I want to feel strong.

I want to look strong.

I want to see more definition in my arms.

I want smaller hips (thank you genetics….)

I want to be as strong as or stronger than my clients – to show them I walk the walk.

I want to work as hard for myself as my clients work for me everyday.

I want to be healthy always and I know the world we live in will likely give me cancer if I don’t actively fight for my health everyday.

I want to prove myself to people who have told me I’m only average (an old boss – that’s another post….)

I want to NEVER be average. I am better than that.

I want to be less cranky.

I want to have less anxiety.

I want to end my day without regret/guilt/frustration with myself.

I want to organize my thoughts.

I want to see myself the way others see me – 100% committed.

The next time you’re standing in front of the mirror looking noting all the things you want to improve about your body (I know you do that, just like I do!), bottle that drive to change yourself and improve yourself. Every time you find yourself negotiating, open up that bottle and remind yourself why every workout is worth it – why every workout helps you become a hot mama physically, mentally, emotionally – why YOU ARE WORTH EVERY WORKOUT and EVERY WORKOUT IS WORTH A LITTLE PART OF EVERYDAY.



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