Are you a Hollywood Mom Hater?

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Photo by Jeff Tidwell

Do you find yourself looking at the Hollywood moms with a jealous, judgmental eye? I don’t blame you. It’s like they are superhuman. They pop out a baby and within one week they have lost all their baby weight. Completely unfair! Ok, I have to let you in on a few secrets of Hollywod moms.

Here’s my Top 10 Reasons Hollywood Moms Lose Their Baby Weight in 24 hours (ok, may not 24 hours, maybe 1 week…):

1. Half of them are 6 feet tall – if you are super tall you can carry more weight and not show it. I know, it’s not fair, but it’s true.

2. A lot of them gain less weight than the average person during their pregnancy. Remember, for many of these women, it is their job to look a certain way, so they are very careful during pregnancy to keep up their exercise routines and clean diets. Therefore, they gain less and lose it faster. Exercise and diet during pregnancy makes a huge difference in how quickly you drop post baby weight.

3. They have a personal chef, a personal trainer, a personal assistant and at least one nanny. Can you imagine how different your life would be with this kind of support. You could get in a nice long workout everyday, have your food prepared for you and your family round the clock and you’d sleep 8 hours a night. COMPLETELY DIFFERENT WORLD.

4. It is their job to bounce back. Because these women depend on their looks for work, they are all over exercise and diet. All. The. Time. It’s their job. They can’t afford not to be. (I’d like to think they’re cranky and starving all the time. It makes me feel better.)

5. They are used to denying themselves. These women have prepared their bodies for big roles in the past. They are accustomed to restrictive diets and loooooong workouts. So the body work they do post partum is something they’ve done before and they know how to do it well.

6. Let’s be honest – half of them are genetic freaks. Don’t you think?! They are grown women with the bodies of teenage boys. Ok, not all of them. But many Hollywood women are long and lanky and they’ve always been that way. Their bodies are used to that. So with a little work they can get back to the body they’ve always known. I’ll take my boobs and hips, thank you.

NOTE: Here’s where the list divides. Here is where you can be like them. These are the things they do that you, too, can do.

7. They are committed. They will not let their postpartum body get in their way. So they work, HARD, to bounce back. Now, I know I just said some of them are freaks who don’t have to work that hard. But some Hollywood moms really kick butt to get their bodies back. They don’t have any other choice. I think this is great. Instead of wondering if you can get your body back, you should just know that YOU CAN and YOU WILL. Now do everything in your power to make it happen. Do not settle for frumpiness. It’s just not who you want to be!

8. They work hard EVERYDAY. They make smart, healthy choices 99% of the time. I know, it sounds impossible, but you have to constantly remind yourself that nothing tastes as good as being fit feels. With that in mind it becomes easier each day to do what you need to make your body whatever you want it to be.

9. They keep their eye on the prize. Many Hollywood moms schedule events shortly after they give birth, so they know they have a very limited time to whip themselves back into shape. Imagine if you had your 10 year high school reunion 3 months after your baby’s birth. Imagine you had to be in a bathing suit 3 months after post baby. Imagine you had to stand up for your best friend at her wedding 3 months after birth. Would that motivate you to work really hard right away. Heck, I say you book a tropical vacation just to give yourself that motivation. If you know you have to look amazing by a certain date won’t you be way more motivated to MAKE it happen??

10. They are focused. They do not make excuses. They have a plan and they stick to it. So when the going gets rough (you’re dying for a cupcake or you cannot imagine getting in a workout) the tough kick it up a notch. These ladies do not cave and eat the cupcake. They do not miss their workouts. They move full speed ahead until they have met their goal. Now, I know there are moments and days where this just seems impossible. But what if you pretend there is just no other option? You are not going to be a frumpy mom. You are not going to wear your maternity clothes until your baby is no longer a baby. You are not going to feel uncomfortable in your own skin. You WILL bounce back. You WILL look fabulous. You WILL succeed. You WILL NOT give yourself any other choice.

Go get ’em Hot Mama!



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1 Comment

Swiss Ball Exercises on January 14, 2011 at 1:18 pm.

this post is very usefull thx!


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