Abs Diet for Women and Moms

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Most moms would give their left ovary for flatter abs. Ok, maybe not an ovary, perhaps a kidney? There are just a few simple steps to having flatter abs. If you followed these 4 steps for 4-6 weeks you would notice a dramatic difference in your abs. This “Abs Diet for Women” is essentially what we teach moms in our Pregnancy Weight Loss Program.

These two moms, Jenny and Beth, recently spent 4 weeks focusing on the principles of this sort of abs diet and look at their results:

Pretty amazing, huh?

I’m going to tell you the exact 4 things these Mamas did to lose big inches off their waist. It’s not a diet, per se. It’s a lifestyle. So, you could say it’s the “Abs Lifestyle for Moms Who Want a Flatter Belly.” Here are the 4 steps these Jenny and Beth used. Take notes!

1. They totally cleaned up their diets and incorporated whole foods into 80%-90% of their diet. If you want to eat better without eating less, you should become a Volume Eater. They also incorporated these Flat Belly Foods into their diet. This way of eating allows you to eat a ton and get really lean, while shedding belly fat.

2. They strength trained. They performed full body strength exercises in their workouts, using their own bodyweight and dumbbells. Here is an example of the kind of workout they did a few times a week. Using strength training to increasing muscle mass is your biggest weapon in changing your body composition in order to burn belly fat and find those abdominal muscles.

3. They did High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) instead of traditional cardio. Tabata training is a perfect example of HIIT. This is the fastest and smartest way to burn fat. You will burn up to 9 times more fat doing HIIT sessions that traditional cardio sessions. In fact, Beth fell in love with this kind of cardio and even wrangled her older daughters into doing this workout with her.

4. They did challenging abdominal exercises as a FOURTH priority in this plan. This is where many moms go wrong. They think adding ab exercises is the first step to flattening your belly. It is actually the LAST step. Once you have steps 1-3 totally dialed in, you can work on ab specific exercises. If you do ab work without incorporating steps 1-3, you are totally and completely wasting your time. You will never see your 6 pack under a belly of diet coke and goldfish crackers. You will never kind your six pack through walking or spinning your legs for hours on the elliptical.

So, once you have committed 110% to steps 1-3, you can add step 4. Here are a couple really “fun” moves you can try out – two of my favorites:

Here is a full core workout you can tag on to the end of any workout:

So, how bad do you want that flat belly? Since you can’t get it by donating your left ovary, or even a kidney, you will have to work a little for it. But I’d say it’s worth four weeks of focus if you could see the dramatic change that Jenny and Beth saw – and there is NO reason you can’t have the same results.

I have given you the step by step instructions on the best abs diets for women and moms. Will you take these tips and change your body over the next 4 week? If you struggle in any of the area mentioned above, let us know in the comments section below and we can give you some specific instruction on how to make adapt this type of abs diet for you. We want you to love your mom belly!!



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Christina Vickers on September 29, 2011 at 3:49 pm.

Love this! Thank you! Also, I was wondering if you could provide more examples of HIIT? For instance, I do Insanity. Is that considered HIIT?


Sara Dean on September 29, 2011 at 7:10 pm.

Hi Christina, Yes, Insanity is DEFINITELY HIIT! That protocol of HIIT works on a 3:00 work phase and a :30 rest phase. There are a ton of ways to do HIIT sessions. What makes it HIIT is a set WORK phase and a set REST phase. In tabatas, it’s work x :20, rest x :10. A lot of times I do work x :60, rest x :30. In my boot camps, I often do it similar to Insanity work x 3:00 (usually six exercises back to back, :30 each) and then rest for :30 or :60. Hope that helps!


Megan @ Diets for Women on October 11, 2011 at 5:07 pm.

I’m glad you make an exception to show us the abs exercise. After all, it’s not like a typical sit-up, where you are only using a fraction of your body in a repetitive motion. The one that you showed uses a wide variety of muscle to work out to abs area. This is certainly something I will be trying.


jennifer mayes on January 10, 2012 at 12:44 pm.

I read your article on diastasis recti, (which I have after baby #4), and I was wondering if these ab exercises that you suggest doing after the tabata workout are ok to do since I have this condition or if I should leave these off and only do the ones you mentioned in the other article?


Sara Dean on January 11, 2012 at 10:23 pm.

Hi Jennifer, Until your diastasis is 2 fingers wide or less, you want to stick to the core exercises given in our 6 Week Pregnancy Weight Loss Program. You can substitute any of those ab exercises for the ones in the tabata workout. This video will show you how to test the width of your DR: https://www.fithealthymoms.com/2011/04/15/how-to-test-for-diastasis-recti/.


Natalie Y. on January 11, 2012 at 8:54 pm.

Natalie Youngberg ยท Elisabeth-Gymnasium

I really want to lose my belly fat, but I’m not sure what to eat all day every day, if I have to eliminate grains, since I’m vegetarian and grains are a big part of my diet. I’m 5’3″ and weigh 100 lbs., so I don’t need to lose any weight, just my belly fat. If anything, I need to gain a few pounds… I need some serious help! Thanks!


Sara Dean on January 11, 2012 at 10:13 pm.

Hi Natalie, It is very typical for vegetarians to eat a lot of grains to make up for the lack of meat in the diet. I would recommend focusing on making staples and other protein sources (organic eggs, nut, seeds, wild fish – if you eat it). Here is an article that gives you a ton of ideas on how to incorporate more veggies and use veggies as a grain substitute, which would be really helpful to you: https://www.fithealthymoms.com/2011/09/08/volume-eating-for-female-fat-loss/. Don’t feel like you have to cut grains 100%. Try to cut them out 50% and see how that goes, and then wean down from there. It is ok to make these changes over time. Grains cause a lot of bloat, which may be what you’re experiencing with your belly. Cutting back 50% may give you some results that motivate you to cut back further. Let me know if you have any questions!


Tara Nelson on January 30, 2012 at 6:59 pm.

I’ve been working out for a year now….same workout 4-5 days a week. Elliptical every day 30 min, legs abs one day, arms and abs next day(alternating). It’s not working…I just got fat tested and I’m at 31.5% I’m working on changing my diet, but need a little help on the exersice part. Would you reccomned doing cardio and strength on the same day?


Sara Dean on January 30, 2012 at 7:08 pm.

Hi Tara, Wow – sounds like you have been committed over the last year. The reason you’re not seeing the results you want is you’re doing the wrong kind of cardio. You need to be doing High Intensity Interval Training. Have you downloaded our free ebook, The Top 5 Myths of Female Fat Loss? That will explain to you how do to HIIT training – and includes some free workouts! We are also getting ready to launch an amazing new program that will give you a bunch of full length, follow along strength AND interval workouts. Keep your eyes peeled for that!


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