Fat Burning Body Weight Workout for Moms

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This is a fantastic high intensity/fat burning workout that you can knock out in 20-30 minutes using just your bodyweight. The great thing about body weight exercises is that you can do them anywhere since they require no equipment. If you use the right combination of exercises, bodyweight workouts are incredible for burning a ton of calories (AND FAT!)

The other great thing about this body weight workout is that, performed without rest between exercises, it is a great cardio workout. So, you are able to combine a strength and cardio workout into one killer fat blasting session. This is perfect for moms and busy women.

There is no reason to separate out your cardio and strength workouts, unless you have training goals specific to one or the other. If you are looking primarily for fat loss or weight loss, the smartest way to train is to combine your strength and cardio workouts into one session by minimizing rest between strength exercises and adding in a few cardio “burst” or power moves (like burpees or jump squats).

Moms love these kinds of full body workouts because they are great for LOSING BABY BELLY FAT. Remember, when it comes to flattening your abs, diet is the #1 solution. But right after that is SMART training. The best exercises for losing belly fat are full body/high intensity strength and power moves. Not crunches. Never crunches. NEVER. These full body exercise will burn more belly fat than any targeting abdominal exercises, provided you keep your core strong and engaged as you execute each move.

You can see a full demo of this workout in the video above. Here are the details:

Prisoner Squat (x20)
Walking Lunge / Single Leg Dead Lift (x20)
Jump Knee Tuck x 4 / Push Up x 4 (x4)
Sumo Hop Squats x 8 / Burpee x 1 (x8)
Tricep Push Ups (x8-12)

Perform each round without resting between exercises. Rest for 1 minutes between rounds.

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Kelly Rowe on September 20, 2011 at 3:31 am.

You are awesome!


Sara Dean on September 20, 2011 at 3:33 am.

Awwww, thanks so much Kelly! Some days a girl really needs to hear that 🙂 .


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